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場所 GALLERY  目黒区青葉台3-3-11 3 階 
時間 :12:00-20:00(休廊日なし)


和紙は静かに呼吸をしていた。 滲みたインクが乾くと、見えなかったものが見えてきた。


素材:阿波和紙, AIJP びざん・竹和紙

約1300年前から吉野川周辺域で作り続けられ、徳島県の伝統工芸品にも指定される阿波和紙。 私が訪れた阿波和紙伝統産業会館(Awagami Factory)はこの伝統を継承しながら新たな表現を 提案している。 楮、三俣、雁皮等の木の繊維と水のエネルギーによって和紙が生まれる。 簀桁(すけた)という用具で丁寧にゆすり、繊維同士の絡みを強めることで一枚の強靭な紙となる。 繊維の間にできた微細な隙間にインクが染み込み、滲んだり、インクが載らない様子は、フィルム写真における偶然や予想外の結果、いわゆる"不完全の美"として私の心を惹きつけた。和紙は本当に生きていた。

She watched washi breath quietly.
As the ink bleeds out, allowing her to see what could not be seen before.

Itʼs the plant that gives washi its life. The washi transformed elegantly and gave the subjects its life.

Materials: Awagami, AIJP(Awagami Inkjet Paper) Bizan, Bamboo washi

For about 1300 years, Awa Washi has been made around the Yoshino River, where it is known as the traditional craftsmanship of Tokushima Prefecture. Awagami Factory focuses on creating new values of washi while inheriting the tradition.
Washi, meaning Japanese traditional paper, is commonly made using fibers from the bark of kozo (paper mulberry tree), the mitsumata shrub, a deciduous shrub called the gampi tree with water. It becomes a tough piece of paper by carefully strengthening the entanglement between the fibers using the special sieve-like tool. The soaking of ink in the fine gaps between the fibers can lead to unexpected results when developed on washi. This "imperfect beauty" deeply attracted her. It made her feel washi certainly is alive.

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